Saturday, April 5, 2014

FALLS on Old Age

FALLS on Old Age

Falling is one of the most common causes for individuals over age 65 to lose their independence.

Before a fall sidelines you take a fall – prevention inventory.

  • Have your vision and hearing checked regularly, so you don’t lose important cues that help you maintain your balance.
  • Exercise regularly: it improves strength, muscle tone and coordination.
  • Ask about the medication you take – some may affect balance and coordination.
  • Avoid alcohol – even a little alcohol can affect balance and reflexes.
  • Maintain balance and footing - wear sturdy, low – heeled shoes with wide, non – slip soles.
  • Be sure stairways are well – lighted and have a sturdy hand rail.
  • Install grab handles and non – skid mats inside baths.
  • Don’t use hard- to – reach shelves in kitchens.
  • Never stand on a chair.
  • Use non-skid floor wax and wipe spills immediately.
  • Use a night in the bedroom, so as to avoid walking around furniture in the dark.

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