Sunday, April 13, 2014


You lie in bed exhausted. Your mind is racing, you toss and turn and pound the pillow. It’s 3 am and you still can’t get to sleep.

You are not alone; millions are troubled nightly by insomnia.

More than 50 percent of people with chronic insomnia have psychological stress. Depression, anxiety, worries about children, finances, marriage – all can create insomnia.

  • Being by keeping a sleep log on how you sleep and what you do during the day.
  • Then changes something and log your sleep again. For example, if you typically nap during the day cut it out and sees if your sleep improves.
  • Eliminate caffeine.
  • Many medications can cause sleep problems.
  • Reduce the time you spend in bed – too much time in bed can cause shallow sleep.
  • Create a restful environment.
  • Avoid clock- watching - if there is a clock by the bed, put it out of sight when you go to bed for the night.
  • Have a healthy bedtime snacks.
  • Avoid caffeine after the evening meal – late night caffeine is responsible for many restless nights.
  • Older individuals sleeps less soundly, with more awaking during the night .
  • Cutting down on daytime naps and keeping involved and busy often means a better night’s sleep for older people.
  • Melatonin is a naturally- occurring hormones that can act as a natural sleep aid and can be purchased at a health food shop.
  • Most people can overcome insomnia by effectively addressing the cause of poor sleep with self – help measures.

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