Sunday, April 13, 2014



Indigestion is a feeling of abdominal distention, a bloated feeling, belching, nausea, vomiting or a burning sensation after eating. Chewing with the mouth open or talking while chewing can cause air to be swallowed along with the food, which causes a bloated feeling. Fermentation of food in the colon can produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide gases which contribute to the feeling of indigestion. Carbohydrates are the main food source for gas because of the bacteria they contain.

  • The person who has frequent bouts of indigestion need to be aware of which food cause the problem and stay away from those foods.
  • Stress and lack of digestive enzymes can also cause indigestion.
  • If taking a tablespoonful of apple cider vinegar relieves your indigestion, then you are lacking in this essential acid.
  • Teas of catnip, chamomile, comfrey, goldenseal, fenugreek, papaya and peppermint are all beneficial.
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates, dairy products, caffeine, tomatoes, carbonated beverages and fired and fatty goods, spicy foods.
  • Fiber rich foods such as fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains will be beneficial.
  • Limit the intake of peanuts and lentils as they inhibit digestive enzymes.
  • Barley broth will decrease both bloating and heartburn.
  • Exercise, both stretching and walking will increase the digestion and shorten the transit time for food through the intestine, decrease the amount of time it has to ferment.
  • Chew food thoroughly and do not walk with your mouth full to avoid swallowing air with the food.

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