Sunday, April 13, 2014



You’ve waited all year for your holiday. You have finally at your hotel for your dream trip. The palm trees and waving, the beach is just a few feet away – and not only can you hardly stay awake, you are having trouble concentrating, you feel very irritable, you have diarrhea and a roaring headache! Some holiday! It is only temporary, you have jet lag.

The more time zones you cross, the worse the jet lag will be.

  • Before you leave, live on a sensible schedule for a couple of weeks.
  • Get enough sleep before you leave.
  • Fly during the day so you will arrive at night if you can. Have a light meal and go to bed. You’ll feel a lot better in the morning.
  • Don’t drink alcohol on your flight. You’ll arrive dehydrated.
  • Drink plenty of fluids – airlines cabins just suck the moisture out of your body so you need to replenish it regularly.
  • Don’t nap at your destination; you will only delay your time zone adjustment.
  • Keep to your regular exercise routine.
  • Try to avoid making any important decisions when you first arrive and be sure that you watch your luggage and wallet. Thieves know about jet-lag inattention and are quick on the unwary.
  • Prepare for your return trip. Jet lag isn’t over when you get home; it has just gone into reverse.

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