Tuesday, April 22, 2014



Poison IVY CRAETES a skin irritation when the sap of the plant makes contact with uncovered skin. It produces redness, rash, swelling, blistering and persistent, intense itching. The plant is particularly irritating in the spring and early summer when it sap is high.

The first symptoms of poison ivy are a burning and itching sensation. This is followed by rash, swelling and oozing blisters. It is possible to contact the sap by petting an animal whose fur has been brushed by the or from burning of brushy by inhaling the smoke from such a fire.

  • Wash with soap, lather several times and rinse in running water after each lathering.
  • Wash all clothing and equipments that you were wearing at the time of exposure.
  • Apply calamine lotion which has drying properties that will speed healing.
  • Use aloe Vera gel after lesions are dry to speed tissue repair.
  • Soak a compress in plain water, cover the rash and then allow a fan to blow on the area - that will also reduce the itching.
  • Drink tea of Echinacea, goldenseal or myrrh to aid in avoiding infections of the lesions.
  • Learn to recognize these plants and avoid them.
  • Wear appropriate protective clothing when going through heavy undergrowth: long trousers, long sleeves, shoes, socks and gloves.

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