Saturday, April 12, 2014



Heartburn is now just a few minutes away and you’ll soon be saying. “I can’t believe I ate all that. “heartburn results from a backup of acid –containing stomach contest into your esophagus.

  • You can’t avoid heartburn by thinking before you eat.
  • Eat smaller meals. Too much food expands your stomach and puts pressure on the band of muscles that helps keep food in your stomach.
  • Avoid alcohol, fatty food, chocolate, spearmint and peppermint.
  • Use an antacid. Take one after meals and before bedtime.
  • Don’t eat before sleeping. Wait two or three hours after eating before lying down. This allows enough time for increase stomach acid produces by your last meal to taper off.
  • Wear loose clothing. A tight belt or waistband can cause heartburn.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Elevate the head of your bed. Raising the head of your bed four to six inches helps keep stomach acid in your stomach.
  • Lose wait.
  • Limit caffeine. It will irritate your sore esophagus.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks: they are a good source of heartburn.
  • Try some relaxation to reduce your tension level.

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