Wednesday, April 16, 2014



You can’t find your car key – and you’re late for an appointment.

Simple forgetfulness isn’t a disease. Aging doesn’t affect short – term memory. However, long – term memory sometimes declines with age. To store and retrieve information from memory your brain performs a complex chain of chemical and electrical function involving nerve cells.

Memory can decline for variety of reasons, including depression, medical illnesses and the side effects of drugs. Normal forgetfulness can be caused by getting lazy about using the memory.

However, memory lapses that become more frequent and severe should be cause for concern.

  • Tune up your memory – get busy and realign those brain cells.
  • Get organized. Manage daily activities with routine.
  • Use lists. Don’t bother to memories things you can list on paper.
  • Make associations. Find ways to cue your memory. Use mnemonic cues to recall things by association.
  • Practice. Practice paying attention. When you are introducing to someone, listen carefully and repeat the person’s name. m
  • Try not to worry. Fretting about memory can lead to more forgetfulness, especially if you are tired or under stress.

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