Saturday, April 12, 2014

FATIGUE Solution

FATIGUE Solution

Are you struggling to get started in the morning? Is your first thought when that alarm clock goes off “oh, no, not already!”? Do you yearn for a nap after lunch and fall into an easy chair when you get home at night?

  • Begin with eating a good breakfast, not just a doughnut and coffee – that only gives you the sugar blues to start your day.
  • Set specific goals for each day. If you want to begin exercising, make a plan about how you are going to do that and when. Working out gives you – energy you will feel better after you exercise.
  • If you think you have too much to do and you just get tired thinking about adage will make tasks easier. And learn to delegate tasks. You don’t have to do everything yourself.
  • Give up smoking, it robs you of oxygen. Breathe.
  • Alcohol is a depressant: that drink before dinner may be part of the problem.
  • Take a holiday. Recharge your emotional batteries.
  • If you are feeling a lot of anger or hostility, deal with the problem and then redirect that energy.
  • If you still feel fatigued, while it might mean that you need to manage your life better, it could also be a signal of a more serious illness, so see your doctor.

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