Tuesday, April 1, 2014


 CHAPPED LIPS Solution & Example

You heard a great joke but you can’t laugh because your lip will split.

When your lips are chapped, sore and peeling it is difficult to smile without pain.

  • Avoid cold, dry weather with naked lips. Cover them with a lubricant before going outside.
  • In the summer, cover them with a sunscreen so they don’t get burned.
  • A deficiency in vitamin can contribute to cracks at the corners of the mouth, so keep your vitamin up.
  • Moisture your lips by drinking additional fluids in the winter.
  • If you find you lick your lips a lot, be sure to carry lots of lip balm with you to replace that moisture.
  • Some flavoring agents in toothpaste, chewing gum and mouthwash can cause chapped lips in some allergy- prone individuals. If this is the case, brush your teeth with baking soda only.

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