Sunday, April 27, 2014


10 Health benefits of Watermelon

10 Health benefits of Watermelon
  1. Reduces High Blood Pressure

  2. Reduces body fat

  3. Hydrates the body

  4. Improve eye health

  5. Keeps kidney healthy

  6. Reduces blood sugar level

  7. Good for heart

  8. Combats cancer

  9. Boost energy levels

  10. Rich in Antioxidants

Amount Per 1 NLEA serving (280 g)
Calories 85

Total Fat 0.4 g0%
Saturated fat 0 g0%
Polyunsaturated fat 0.1 g--
Monounsaturated fat 0.1 g--
Cholesterol 0 mg0%
Sodium 3 mg0%
Potassium 314 mg8%
Total Carbohydrate 21 g7%
Dietary fiber 1.1 g4%
Sugar 17 g--
Protein 1.7 g3%
Vitamin A31%Vitamin C37%
Vitamin D0%Vitamin B-65%
Vitamin B-120%Magnesium7%

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mouth Ulcer

Mouth Ulcer 14 Home Remedy 

Mouth Ulcer 14 Home Remedy

  1. The Mulhti powder mixed with honey coating on mouth ulcers and mouth and leave saliva dripping out of the mouth.
  2. 2-3 of malabar nut tree leaves blisters in the mouth when chewing should suck their juices.
  3. Mulhti catechu powder and honey put on mouth ulcers.
  4. Marrow bean pudding with coriander catechu mixed by grinding a bit and put it in the mouth. Or simply keep cassia pulp in the mouth, mouth sores go away.
  5. Guava mixed with catechu relieves mouth sores and blisters heal.
  6. Make a powder of dried betel leaves, lick this mixed powder with honey, mouth sores, it will end.
  7. Take the juice of betel leaves, and mixed with Clarified butter applying will be  eliminate the mouth ulcer.
  8. Lemon juice and honey gargle make you free from mouth sores.
  9. Drink more water and this will clear stomach and you'll never face mouth ulcer
  10. Dry mushrooms powder is very efective on mouth ulcer, just put this on affected area.
  11. Chewing jasmine leaves and the mouth ulcers go away.
  12. Rinse with Buttermilk three to four times a day to heal mouth ulcers.
  13. After eating sucking the jaggery will give you relief.
  14. Henna and alum powder, use this on affected area and soon mouth ulcer will gone away.

    If you facing regular mouth ulcer problem please consult to your doctor.

Super foods for arteries



  1. Broccoli: Broccoli is rich in vitamin K, which helps to keep calcium from damaging the arteries. Also its high-fiber content can also help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Enjoy this veggie for dinner tonight with this side dish recipe.
  2. Turmeric: Contains a potent anti-inflammatory compound - curcumin which helps reduce the fatty deposits in arteries, lowers inflammation and prevents hardening of the arteries or arteriosclerosis.
  3. Avocados: Replace that mayonnaise on your sandwich, with thin slices of avocado and watch your levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol decrease and HDL ("good") cholesterol increase.
  4. Whole Grains: The soluble fiber found in whole grains such as whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal binds the cholesterol in your meal and drags it out of your body,
  5. Olive Oil: Olive oil in moderation can be a great substitute for butter and can be added to pasta, salad, or veggies. Its high mono and polyunsaturated fats help keep cholesterol in check.
  6. Nuts: Nuts are very high in vitamin E, fiber, omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that can help reduce levels of bad cholesterol in your blood and lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.
  7. Fatty Fish: Fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, tuna, and salmon are chock full of omega-3 fatty acids that help decrease inflammation, lower triglyceride levels, and help boost your HDL levels.
  8. Asparagus: Is one of the best, natural artery-clearing foods that releases the pressure on blood vessels, prevents inflammation and wards off deadly clots.
  9. Orange juice: Pure orange juice contains an antioxidant that helps improve blood vessel function and reduce diastolic (resting) blood pressure.
  10. Pomegranate: Pomegranate juice contains phytochemicals that act as antioxidants that stimulate the body’s production of nitric oxide, opening up arteries and improving blood flow, and protects the lining of the arteries from damage.
  11. Spirulina: These blue - green algae help relax artery walls, normalize blood pressure, and support the liver in balancing your blood fat levels enabling lowering of LDL cholesterol and raising HDL cholesterol.
  12. Cinnamon: Antioxidant-rich cinnamon helps burn fats in the bloodstream, prevents plaque buildup in the arteries and lowers bad cholesterol levels.
  13. Cranberries: Potassium-rich cranberries help reduce LDL cholesterol levels and help raise the good HDL levels in your body.
  14. Cheese: Hard to believe but low fat dairy cheese helps lower your blood pressure.
  15. Green Tea: Is rich in catechins, compounds that decrease cholesterol absorption in your body.
  16. Watermelon: L-citrulline, an amino acid found in watermelon, lowers your blood pressure by helping your body produce nitric oxide, which widens blood vessels.
  17. Spinach: The potassium and folate found in spinach can help lower blood pressure.

Thursday, April 24, 2014



Your favorite food starts a fire in your stomach. You are almost afraid to eat because you know of the pain you are going to experience.

Ulcers are holes or breaks in the inner lining of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum.

  • Avoid those foods that you know are going to bring on the pain.
  • Avoid milk. While it temporarily buffers the stomach acid, it stimulates more acid secretion.
  • Stop smoking. It has been documented that smoking delays the healing of ulcers.
  • Eat little and often, instead of three large meals or going long periods without food, as food buffers stomach acid.
  • Eliminate foods found to cause distress, such as fatty foods, fruit juices and spicy foods.
  • Coffee, tea, cocoa, cola drinks and alcohol stimulate acid secretion and should be avoided.
  • Fresh cabbage juice has been shown to aid healing.
  • Avoid stress, relax. Biofeedback training may be necessary to learn to handle stressful life situation that cannot be avoided.
  • Drink plenty of water as this dilutes gastric acid.
  • Drink teas of chamomile or goldenseal in place of caffeinated drinks, to soothe both nerves and nerves and intestinal lining. 



Intercourse has become painful and you find yourself avoiding your sexual partner.

At menopause your estrogen level decline, making the vagina dryer.

  • Avoid deodorant soaps in the vaginal area, making the vagina drying.
  • Use water – soluble lubricant to make intercourse easier.
  • Don’t douche. The vagina is self – disinfecting and douches can dry out the vagina unnecessarily.
  • See your doctor, you may have infection.

Vaginal Dryness Symptoms

• Itching
• Light bleeding during sex
• Painful intercourse
• General discomfort
• Burning
• Stinging
• Irritation
• Urinary frequency
• Discomfort when wearing pants
• Pressure



TRAVEL or motion sickness is a functional disorder caused by repetitive motion. It appears that excessive stimulation of the balancing apparatus in the inner ear is the primary cause.

If you traveling by ship, the following may be help:

  • Children under the age of two and the elderly are usually unaffected by this ailment.
  • Think positive. If you believe you are going to be sick you probably will be.
  • If you are below decks, get up and breathe some fresh air. Engine odors and other smells can contribute to your ailment.
  • Stop smoking and avoid other people’s smoke.
  • Sail at night if possible. There is less chance of getting sick if you can’t see the horizon weaving and rocking.
  • Avoid alcohol, as it can set off the symptoms.
  • If travelling by road, the following may be help:
  • If possible, move to the front of a car or coach and focus your eyes on the horizon.
  • Don’t read. The motion of nay vehicle makes the print on the page move, contributing to your dizziness.
  • Chew on ginger sticks, drink ginger tea or sip ginger ale. If taken early enough ginger can prevent vomiting.
  • Stay cool, remove excessive clothing and increase ventilation, if possible.



You are suddenly struck with a shaking chill, a rapidly rising temperature, a bounding pulse and unstable blood pressure. These are the symptoms of shock.

Toxic shock is potentially fatal. It is caused by the introduction of bacteria into the bloodstream, often through the vagina.

  • Use sanitary towels instead of tampons.
  • Don’t use superabsorbent tampons.
  • Don’t use tampons with plastic applicators.
  • Lubricate a tampon with =k y jelly before insertion.
  • If you use a contraceptive sponge, remove within 24 hours of intercourse.



It hurts when you drink anything hot or cold and the aching kept you awake last night. You need to see your dentist but you want to do something about pain until you can get an appointment.

  • Rinse with a mouthful of lukewarm water.
  • Floss gently to remove any food particles that may be trapped around the tooth.
  • Avoid biting down on the tooth until you can get to the dentist, because it could be fractured.
  • Keep your mouth closed to keep cold air from moving past the tooth.
  • Do not use heat on the jaw until you are certain there is no infection, as heat will only make it worse. 
Common causes of TOOTHACHE



When you open your mouth your jaw clicks and pops. Sometimes you have a headache, toothache and finally, it reaches a point where it hurts to open your mouth to brush your teeth. You dentist could diagnose TMJ.

TMJ may be caused by a poor bite, with clenching and grinding of the teeth at night – and stress.

  • Sports shops sell a mouth guard for contact sports. Try one to wear while you sleep.
  • Limit yourself to soft foods for a brief while and see if that doesn’t reduce the symptoms.
  • Heat and muscle relaxants may relieve the symptoms.
  • Try a firm pillow at night; it may help keep your jaw in proper alignment.
  • Avoid overextending your jaw when you yawn.
  • Do not sleep on your stomach with your head to one side.
  • Do not cradle the telephone between your chin and your shoulder.
  • Do not carry a heavy shoulder bag.
  • Avoid all high- stress foods such as sugar, chocolate, cola drinks, alcohol.
  • Get sufficient rest. 


TASTE LOSS Home Remedy Solution

TASTE LOSS Home Remedy SolutionYou are complaining how, “things don’t taste as good as they used to.” If you are adding more salt, eating more sweets, and enjoying your meals less, it could be that your sense of taste is fading.

As you age you lose up to 50 per cent of your taste buds. Perk up your sense of taste by:

  • Eating fresh foods instead of canned.
  • Using flavor enhancers such as herbs, lemon juice and onions instead of added salt.
  • Marinate meat and fish in fruit juice before cooking.
  • Include tart foods and beverages in your diet, such as oranges and lemonade.
  • Bring foods to room temperature before eating. Chilling reduces flavors. 



You dread someone wanting to shake your hand: your hand is always wet and clammy. Just the thought of having to confront a handshake greeting makes your armpits damp. Levels of perspiration vary widely from one person to another. Sweating and body odor served a purpose centuries ago but we have evolved to a point where our civilization no longer considers it assets.

  • Use deodorant soap; it will go a long way to make you feel more comfortable about sweating.
  • Use an antiperspirant under your armpits as well as on the palms of your hands, two places where excessive perspiration is most visible to others.
  • Choose natural fabrics, because you to sweat practice some deep breathing before the situation gets out of hand.
  • If anxious situations cause you to sweat, practice some deep breathing before the situation gets out of hand.



You fell asleep on the beach and now you are paying the price. You can’t stand clothing touching your skin and you feel nauseated. You look like a lobster. Soon your nose is going to peel and you are going to look terrible.

Sunburn affecting the lower legs is especially uncomfortable and often slow to resolve. Fever, chills, weakness and sometimes shock may appear if a large portion of the body surface is affected.

Chronic exposure to sunlight has an aging effect on the skin. Wrinkling and yellow discoloration with small yellow nodules are the most troubling consequences.

Precancerous lesions are the consequence of frequent overexposure. Blonds and redheads are particularly susceptible. Squamous and basal cell carcinoma is directly related to the amount of yearly sunlight exposure.

  • Don’t wait. Take some aspirin or paracetamol right away, it will help relieve the pain, itching and swelling of mind to moderate sunburn.
  • Cold tap water compresses aid in relieving the sunburn.
  • Mix 1 cupful of skimmed milk with 4 cupfuls of water and add some ice- cubes. Apply compression dipped in this mixture: the milk protein is very soothing.
  • Oatmeal compresses also soothe the skin.
  • Witch – hazel compresses work will also.
  • A cool bath with 1 cupful of white vinegar added is good for larger area.


SUICIDE Read this first

SUICIDE Read this first
Your friend says, “I just can’t take it anymore.”

Most people don’t mean that, but once in a while, there is one who does.

There is no single cause of suicide. Here are conditions which, alone or in combination, may signal those who are at risk:

Isolation and gender – men who are separated, widowed or divorced are at highest risk of suicide.

Social status – the higher a person’s social status the greater the risk. A sudden change in this status adds to the risk.

Depression – clinical depression plays a role in about two thirds of suicides in alder adults.

Other illness – a serious or chronic medical illness can increase the risk.

Many suicides are preventable, if you know the warning signs and then act on them. People who are undecided about living or dying may choose to live if given help.

  • Verbal warning- As many as 80 per cent of people who commit suicide give some form of verbal warning of their intension. Take any talk of suicide seriously.
  • Preoccupation with death – concentrating on death by reading about it or repeatedly turning the conversation to it may signal suicide plans.
  • Suicide attempt – unsuccessful attempts are often followed by successful suicides.
  • Unexpected gifts – giving away valued possessions may be a way of setting final affairs.
  • Changes in behavior – increased sadness, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping and inability to concentrate, when severe and prolonged, may signal depression that can lead to suicide.
  • If you are helping someone, be prepared to follow up by making sure they keep appointments for help and support. 




It started with just a gritty feeling in the eye and then it blossomed into a bright red, painful sore.

Styes are acute localized infections of one or more glands of the margin of the eyelid.

  1. Don’t poke or squeeze the infected area.
  2. Hot compresses should be applied for 10 minutes several times a day.
  3. An antibiotic ophthalmic ointment should be applied for several days to prevent spread of the infection to other locations.
  4. The hands should be kept clean; rubbing the eyes should be avoided. Take care to avoid transferring the infection to the uninvolved eye.
  5. Keeping hands and face clean is one of the best ways to avoid such an infection.
  6. Moistened herbal tea bags: chamomile, goldenseal – root applied to the lid as a natural antiseptic are good if you are prone to styes. 


 STROKE (Transient Ischemic Attack)

 STROKE (Transient Ischemic Attack)
You consider yourself to be quite healthy, you eat well, exercise and go to bed early – but one day your arm felt weak and numb for no apparent reason. Possibly you had a TIA (transient ischemic attack), a mini- stroke. This could be warning signals of impending stroke and it is a good reason to go and see your doctor.

A stroke is the result of lack of oxygen to the brain, often caused by atherosclerosis or the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain.

  • Control your blood pressure.
  • Reduce your cholesterol to below 200.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Keep your weight within normal limits.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Keep your blood levels within normal limits.
  • Manage stress. 
 STROKE (Transient Ischemic Attack) example


STRETCHING Program and Exercises

STRETCHING Program and Exercises
 The first thing your cat or dog does upon wakening is a long, slow delicious s-t-r-e-t-c-h.

A programme of daily stretching can reduce the effects of aging of muscles and joints. As you age your body gradually loses flexibility. Stretching can help you to maintain flexibility and preserve a full range of motion of all your joints. It will prevent injuries during activity because it prepares muscles for more vigorous activity.

Stretching Excercises example

Wednesday, April 23, 2014



You no longer think ANYTHING is humorous. You snap at the kids, your spouse, and when it reaches the point that you might tells the boss off and lose your job you scream, “I can’t take it anymore!”

Stress is the result of long- term anxiety that is not relieved. Almost everyone experiences stress at one time or another in their lives - no one is immune. It can result from a great number of things: job insecurity, high – pressure occupations, relationships, financial problems, loneliness, and day to day frustrations.

Stress seems to express itself when tension or anger or grief graduates from being just one even to being a recurring mood, or even part of the personality. Unrelieved tension actually changes the hormonal biochemistry of your body, encouraging the process of atherosclerosis. Mascular tension squeezes off blood circulation and chronic shallow breathing reduce the amount of oxygen reaching the heart.

  • Take a holiday – they are an absolute necessity. Each of us needs to get away from everyday cares and attempt to relax - our mind, our muscles and interrupt the thought processes that keep us worrying and sleepless about things we are unable to change.
  • Exercise - physical activity can produce brain chemicals that’s assist the muscles to relax, the intake of oxygen can aid in transporting blood to the brain to reduce the chemicals that are in operation in stressful live.
  • Rest and get sufficient sleep.
  • Deep breathing can be done anytime you are faced with a stressful situation and is a beneficial habit to cultivate.
  • Develop a hobby. Find something that can occupy your mind completely separated from the things in your life that are aggravating you.
  • Learn to laugh. Loss of sense of humor is a good indication that your life is too stress – filled.
  • If you find you simply cannot handle the stress - you may need professional help.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and drugs.
  • Maintain a good healthy diet to keep your nervous system and immune system in good condition.



You have been avoiding smiling because of the coffee or tea stains on your teeth. Or maybe your teeth are yellow from cigarettes and nobody wants to kiss you. Now, that is serious.

  • Get a professional cleaning from your dentist.
  • Brush regularly, particularly after meals.
  • Mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and use this to brush your teeth regularly.
  • If you can’t brush, rinse your mouth with some warm water right after a meal.
  • Treat yourself to an electric toothbrush; they have been documented to do a better job than a manual brush.
  • Use a soft bristle brush, because it enables you to get around the curved surface of your teeth much better than with a hard one.



All you did is step off the curb, twist your ankle a little and there you are, with an ankle swollen up to twice its size and too painful to walk.

A sprain is the wrenching of a joint with partial rupture or other injury to its attachments, and without dislocation of the bones. The signs of a sprain are rapid swelling, heat and disablement of the joint. The pain is usually great and increased by moving.

  • Apply ice- packs to the area as soon as possible. This will aid in reducing the swelling and inflammation. Apply for 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off for the first 24 hours.
  • Keep the limb elevated and rest the joint.
  • It is best to have an x-ray taken to be sure there is no fracture or broken bones.
  • Do not apply weight or pressure.
  • After the initial several days, you may use intermittent heat to speed healing.
  • A poultice of turmeric and water can be applied to the area of the sprain under gauze dressing to reduce bruising and swelling.




It hurts to swallow. You keep swallowing to test it, and every time you swallow, it still hurts.

A sore throat can be caused by any kind or irritants that affect the mucous membranes at the back of the throat: allergies, dust, smoke, fumes extremely hot foods or drinks, infections of the teeth or gums. Chronic coughing and excessive misuse of the voice in yelling or singing, with resultant hoarsens, are frequent causes of sore throats.

  • Drink lots of liquids – being well hydrate helps keep mucus thin and easy to clear.
  • Gargle with warm salt water – mix a teaspoonful of salt with a glass of warm water to soothe and help clear your throat of mucus.
  • Drink honey with lemon juice to coat the throat.
  • Take painkillers. Over – the- counter analgesics relieve pain for four to six hour.
  • Rest your voice. If your sore throat involves an inflamed larynx, talking a lot may lead to more irritations and temporary loss of voice.
  • Humidify the air.
  • Avoid air pollutants. Stop smoking.
  • Eat plenty of garlic, a natural antibiotic and antiseptic.
  • Change your toothbrush 



You know you shouldn’t smoke, it is bad for your health and you’d certainly like to quit but you have tried several times and haven’t been able to do it.

Mark twain said, “Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it over a hundred times.” You must prepare yourself to quit smoking, both physically and psychologically.

  • Begin by altering your self- image. You are a non- smoker, and that such a entire person is to you.
  • Mark your calendar with the date you intend to be a non- smoker.
  • Keep track of each cigarette you smoke.
  • Every time you think you will have a cigarette, make yourself wait 10 minutes.
  • Collect your stubs in a ‘stub bottle’. Keep this bottle in plain sight, as an unpleasant reminder.
  • Get rid of al your cigarettes and all the things that you need to smoke, such as matches, lighter and ashtrays.
  • Replace the urge to smoke with a deep breath and a piece of hard card.
  • Keep your hands busy: take up some hobby that requires you to work with your hands as knitting.
  • Provide oral gratification with sugarless gum or mints.
  • Avoid alcohol, sugar and pastries. High sugar items create a biological need that increases your cigarette desire.
  • Place a rubber band around your wrist and snap it every time you want a cigarette.



It drips down the back of your throat. You keep sniffing and snorting but it keeps s on dripping. In addition, you have a roaring headache and the pressure seems to just keep building up behind your eyes.

A sinus headache is usually a result of a viral respiratory tract infection. The swollen nasal mucous membrane causes pain in the area over the involved sinus.

  • A eucalyptus type ointment can be applied to the forehead and then covered with a cold damp cloth. This will relieve the congestion of the blood vessels in the area and relieve the pain of the headache.
  • Use a humidifier; it will keep the mucus moving.
  • Bathe your nostril with a teaspoonful of salt in 1 pint of warm water and a little baking soda. Gently sniff this mixture into one nostril at a time.
  • Increase your fluids to keep the mucus thinned out.
  • Avoid nasal sprays, as they can cause a rebound effect which may make the problem worse.
  • Exercise will release adrenalin which will also constrict the blood vessels. Take a short walk you will feel better.
  • Massage your sinus. This will stimulate circulation to the area.
  • Try eating some fresh horseradish with lemon juice.




You are out for morning run and suddenly you get a sharp pain, a catch or stitch in your side. Side stitches are caused by a spasm in the diaphragm, the muscle between your chest and your abdomen, which isn’t getting the oxygen it needs.

  • Stop
  • Massage the area; it will release the cramped muscle.
  • Exhale deeply as you massage.
  • Get your breathing back to a normal pace, and then walk.
  • Learn to belly breath. Become aware of your breathing as you exercise.
  • Try to train yourself to have a bowel movement before you begin exercising.
  • Do not eat for two hours before strenuous exercise.



Your feet are killing you. You’ve been shopping all day and you have sit down on a bench, take your shoes off and rub your feet before you can go on. And…. You had better get those shoes back on in a hurry - before your feet swell up and you can’t get them back on at all.
  • Avoid shoe with pointed toes or high heels. They can lead to such foot problems as ingrown nails, calluses, corns or bunions. High heels force the wearer to lean back to compensate for the forward tilt of the heel, creating spinal problems as well.
  • Select laced shoes. They offer more room and adjustable support.
  • Wear shoe made of soft leather.
  • Shop for shoes in the early afternoon. Feet swell as the day goes on. Shoes bought early in the morning may be too tight and the shoes bought at the end of the day may be too loose.
  • Have your feet measured. Shoe size can change as you age and /or put on weight. Arches tend to relax with age and may require larger, wider shoes.
  • If shoes run anywhere, have them stretched at a cobbler shop.



There is sharp burning pain around your body followed by a rash of painful red blisters which later crust over. You are surprised and dismayed, you know you had chickenpox when you were little and you thought that protected you from shingles.

Like chickenpox, shingles will usually run its course within a week or two. But unlike chickenpox, shingles may leave painful reminders. As many as half of those over age 60 develop post- herpetic neuralgia. This pain may persist for months or years.

Individuals with shingles are far less contagious than people with chickenpox. This virus is only spread by direct contact with the vesicles. If the vesicles are kept covered they should not be infectious at all. However, for those few individuals who have not had chickenpox, they can catch it from someone with shingles.

  • Pain relief comes first. An aspirin substitute may be better for some, aspirin for others.
  • Step up your immune system and repair your nerves. Take 200 mg of vitamin C five or six time daily and one vitamin B – complex for nerve repair.
  • Leave the blisters alone. Too much rubbing in this area can irritate the skin, making and the pain worse.
  • Apply a wet dressing made from a damp cloth dipped in ice – water to the affected area.
  • Wear loose, cotton clothing. Anything else will make the blistered area feel hotter.
  • Apply calamine lotion or baking soda to the blisters.
  • Take a corn flour bath just bedtime.
  • Continue to use ice after the blisters are gone: now put it directly on the area and stroke the skin quickly. This will confuse the nerve signals that send pain.
  • Avoid drafts, as they send signals to the nerve ending that will active pain.
  • Allow sunlight on the affected areas for the short intervals to speed healing.
  • L- Lysine, an amino acid available in tablet form, has been shown to aid healing.
  • For those in whom the nerve pain lasts long after the illness, therapeutic psychological counseling may help. 




 There is pain and aching in the front of your legs but not in any muscles. You usually feel it after your aerobics class or after standing long hours on an unyielding surface such as concrete.

Most people with shin splints don’t do anything about them because the symptoms are rather difficult to describe and they usually aren’t incapacity. It is thought that shin splints may be the beginning of a stress fracture or an irritation of the tendon that attaches muscle to bone.

  • Examine the surface you suspect causing the problem. Runners should change to grass, aerobic participants should change to low – impact classes until they feel better.
  • Get new shoes frequently, before the soles are gone and while they still have ample cushioning.
  • As soon as you have pain, follow the RICE rule.
R = rest

I = ice

C= compression

E= elevate

Prop your legs up, wrap the shin with an elastic bandage, put an ice – pack on for 20 minutes or so, and you’ll feel better.
  • Stretch your Achilles’ tendon and calf muscle – this is particularly good if you are wearing high heel shoes daily.
  • Build muscle that surrounds the shine. Try walking around your house barefoot, on your heels only, with the front of your foot pulled up.


SEX AFTER AGE 60 Problem Solution & Tips

Your man complaints you are not interested in sex anymore. What can you do? Or your woman says, “Don’t you find me attractive anymore?” what can you do?

Physical changes in men’s response parallel those seen in postmenopausal woman. Most men produce well above the minimum amount of testosterone needed to maintain interest in sex. Men with good blood circulation to the penis can attain erections adequate for intercourse until the end of life. Ageing increases the length of time after ejaculation and before restimulation.

For both sexes:

  • Use it or lose it: prolonged abstinence from sex can cause impotence.
  • Eat healthily – follow a balanced, low – fat diet and exercise regularly.
  • Don’t’ smoke.
  • Control your weight.
  • Limit alcohol.
  • Protect against AIDS and other sexually transmitted disease. The best protection is a long – standing monogamous relationship. If you don’t have one, use a condom.
  • After age 60 –Intercourse may require planning.



Decreased desire
  • Use mood enhancers.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Have counseling.
Vaginal dryness
  • Use lubricant.
  • Have intercourse regularly.
  • Perform pelvic exercise.
Softer erection
  • Change position.
  • Accept softer erections as normal.
Erection lost quickly
  • Emphasis quality, not quantity.
  • Try hugging, stroking, without pressure for intercourse.



A daily walk will stimulate You forgot your car keys and you can’t remember whether or not you turned off the stove. You say, “ I think I’m getting senile,” and everyone laughs but secretly, you are little worried about how forgetful you are becoming.

Everyone forgets once in a while but the truth is, most people do not become senile.

Senility is a slow disintegration of personality and intellect because of impaired insight and judgment.

Senility may result from a wide variety of pathologic processes. Drugs, depression, deafness, brain tumors, thyroid problems or liver or kidney problems can be some of the causes of senility.

If you are concerned about an older relative, you need to evaluate their lifestyle.

  • Often the elderly living alone may neglect nutrition, and evaluation of food intake should be one of the first steps in treatment. Proper nutrition often will solve many of the difficulties in impaired thinking.
  • Assistance in the routine of daily living may help.
  • A sufficient nutritious diet is essential, including sufficient protein for normal brain functioning. Older people sometimes evolve into a ‘tea and toast’ diet.
  • Encourage the learning of something new. Curiosity keeps the mind working.
  • Monitor fluids intake as the elderly do not respond to thirst readily.
  • Play mind – stretching games, such as trivial pursuit.
  • Encourage reading about subjects of interest.
  • Make the person keep lists that aids in jogging the memory




When you couldn’t sleep for a few nights, you took a sleeping pill. After only a couple of weeks, you found you couldn’t get to sleep without them.

Sleeping pills can be as addictive as alcohol and produce unpleasant withdrawal symptoms if stopped quickly. It is possible to develop a tolerance to sleeping pills in as little time as two weeks.

  • Be aware that if you have been taking sleeping pills nightly for more than two weeks, you may be misusing them.
  • If you need higher and higher doses to fall asleep, you could be developing a tolerance.
  • Avoid increasing the dosage without consulting your doctor.
  • Find some alternatives to combat insomnia, such those listed under Insomnia.



Three thousand non- smokers die from lung cancer a year caused by ‘second – hand’ tobacco smoke. If you breathe it regularly, you are at risk.

Second – hand smoke leads to coughing, phlegm, chest discomfort, reduced lung function and reddened, itchy and watery eyes. More than 4,000 chemical compounds have been identified in tobacco smoke; at least 43 are known to cause cancer.

Infants are three times more likely to die from sudden infant Death Syndrome in their mothers smoke during and after pregnancy.

There is no safe level of exposure to second – hand tobacco smoke.

  • If you are exposed, remove yourself.
  • If you live with smoker, pressure them to stop.


SEBORRHOEA Treatment and Care


SEBORRHOEA Treatment and Care
Seborrhea is an inflammatory scaling disease of the scalp, face, and occasionally other area of the body. The disease usually appears only as dry or greasy scaling with variable itching. Yellow – red, scaling elevations of the skin appear along the hairline, behind the ears, inside the ears, on the eyebrows, on the bridge of the nose and the folds alongside it and over the chest.

  • Shampoo often. Wash your hair daily if necessary.
  • Use a mild, non medicated shampoo rather than something strong, which can over dry the hair.
  • If regular shampoo does not work, then switch to one of the tar based shampoos.
  • Lather twice when you use a dandruff shampoo, then rinse very thoroughly.
  • Use a massaging motion on your scalp to help loosen the scales but don’t scratch with your fingernails, use fingertips only.
  • Use a warm –oil treatment once a week. You will find this treatment beneficial and it will help to loosen and soften the scales.
  • Expose your head to sunshine. Direct ultraviolet light can be beneficial.
  • Avoid chocolate, dairy products, fried foods, seafood and nuts as they may all contribute to overproduction of oil glands.
  • Keep the skin clean, but do not over cleanse. Avoid harsh cleansers. If you must use make – up, avoid oil based products.



You start to feel depressed in November and don’t feel better until the spring comes.

Light and temperature play an important role in SAD. Daylight promotes the brain to release chemical that creates feelings of energy.

  • Try a full – spectrum fluorescent light, which resembles sunlight.
  • Go out as much as possible in the early morning.
  • Keep the blinds up in your house or office during the daylight hours.
  • Sit near windows.
  • If the weather is very cloudy, turn on all the lights.
  • Don’t let depression get the better of you. Visit friends, go to the theatre, and don’t let yourself get isolated.
  • Take your holiday in the winter and go to a sunnier clime.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014




IF you get a cut, you want it to heal promptly and without scarring. How you treat a cut at first will go a long way in determining how well it will heal.

  • Clean any cut properly with an antiseptic.
  • Keep the wound slightly moist with an antibiotic ointment while it is healing.
  • Don’t pick off the scab.
  • Apply the oil from a vitamin E capsule over a healing scar and it will probably be less visible when it heals.
  • Good wound healing needs good nutrition. Eat properly.
  • Clean all scars gently.
  • Put sun block on any scar before sun exposure as they have less pigment than the rest of your skin.
  • Allow time to pass. Old scars fade and are less noticeable after time.



The doctor has told you to limit the salt in your diet, but everything tastes so bland without it, you hate to give it up. Salt has been linked to high blood pressure, stroke and oedema.

  • Do not add salt while cooking.
  • Remove the salt shaker from the table.
  • Use low sodium soy, barbecue sauce and other salty condiments.
  • Avoid foods prepared with salt brine, such as pickles and olives.
  • Limit foods such as smoked fish, kippered herring.
  • Try a salt substitute.
  • Give food more taste by adding herbs and other condiments such as mustard.


RESTLESS LEGS Home remedies, Natural Treatment, Homeopathy

RESTLESS LEGS Home remedies, Natural Treatment, Homeopathy

Millions of people suffer from restless leg syndrome. The cause is unknown but researcher suspects something in the brain’s chemistry may be responsible.

  • Before you go to bed, take a short walk. This may release endorphins and allow you to relax.
  • Move your feet back and forth as soon as the symptoms appears: the movement may interrupt the message to your brain.
  • Change your sleeping position.
  • Soak your feet in cool, not icy, water before going to bed. It appears to help some people.
  • Take vitamin daily. There appears to be a connection to some vitamin one deficiency in some people.
  • Don’t eat late at night: a big meal before retiring seems to increase the desire to move the legs.
  • Do not become over tired, because fatigue increases the restless leg syndrome.
  • Avoid caffeine and smoking.
  • Keep your legs warm outdoors. Constriction of the blood vessels increases the problem for some people.
  • Massage your legs just before bedtime.

Natural Treatment

  • Exercise:
    Sometimes RESTLESS LEGS is simply a response to a sedentary lifestyle, or even just a day or two of missed exercise. Get back into a regular routine of daily walks, runs, or other workouts, and see if your legs relax.
  • Stretch:
    Tight muscles can also lead to nighttime RESTLESS LEGS . Try an easy yoga routine or a simple series of stretches before bed to loosen up. Focus on calves, hamstrings, and gluteus muscles.
  • Take a warm bath:
    Add some Epsom salts to help ease muscle pain.
  • Watch your caffeine:
    Too much caffeine can lead to RESTLESS LEGS in some people. Try cutting back to see if your condition improves. Be careful as well of other stimulating herbs and teas.
  • Check your nutrient levels:
    Deficiencies in iron, folate, or magnesium can lead to RESTLESS LEGS . Check with your dietician, or get a blood test to check your levels. Particularly during pregnancy, you may not be getting enough B vitamins like folate.
  • Massage:
    A 2007 study found that massage that targets the lower body can help reduce RESTLESS LEGS for several weeks.
  • Acupuncture:
    Studies also indicate that acupuncture can be effective.
  • Parsley tea:
    Sweetened with a little bit of honey or lemon, try it three times a day. It’s reputed to help increase body levels of iron and vitamin C, which may, in turn, reduce symptoms of RESTLESS LEGS .
  • Lavender oil:
    Try a little on the soles of your feet before bed. It’s a relaxing herb and may help your legs calm down.
  • Valerian:
    Take this at night to help you sleep better.
  • Vitamin E:
    Known to ease leg cramps, this vitamin may help, particularly if you’re not getting enough in your daily diet.
  • St. John’s wort:
    Take it as a supplement or as a tea to help promote sleep and relaxation.
  • Rooibos tea:
    It has anti-spasmodic activity, and may help relieve leg cramps and RESTLESS LEGS. It also has a reputation for encouraging restful sleep.

Homeopathic Treatment

  • Aconite:
    If you are prone to anxiety, panic attacks, or other nervous issues, aconite can help you relax and may also subdue your RESTLESS LEGS .
  • Arsenicum:
    This remedy is particularly helpful in individuals who may have muscle weakness or heaviness, or those who feel cold much of the day and night.
  • Causticum:
    Does your RESTLESS LEGS include burning and aching? Try this treatment, especially if you experience muscle soreness much of the time.
  • Rhus Tox:
    Use this remedy if you are often restless, and find it difficult to sit still.
  • Zincum Met.:
    If your RESTLESS LEGS is more than a minor irritant, and tends to continue night after night, try this remedy. It’s also good for those who have sudden jerks and movements while asleep.




Well, you certainly don’t want to be seen pretending that you are digging your slacks out from between your buttocks in an attempt to scratch and you can’t keep excusing yourself to go to the toilet – just to scratch.

Rectal itching is an inelegant annoying and occasionally embarrassing problem.

It can be caused by hemorrhoids, diet dry skin, rough cleansing of the anal area or parasites.

  • Stop scratching – scratching further irritates your skin and leads to persistent inflammation.
  • Apply ice- packs this skin around your anus may be sensitive to colored, scented toilet tissue or to harsh, less expensive brands.
  • Cleanse gently – don’t scrub with a flannel: use cotton wool pads moistened with witch – hazel to clean instead of soap.
  • Blot dry – or use a hairdryer.
  • Watch your diet – if you think food such as caffeine, nuts or chocolate play a role, avoid them for a few weeks and see if this makes a difference.




RAYNAUD’S DISEASE is a spasm of the small arteries and arterioles in the fingers and toes, with intermittent paleness of the skin.

The cause in some cases is unknown, but it may be secondary to other disease processes, such as arterial disease, connective tissue disorders, hypothyroid conditions of trauma, such as vibration from using equipment such as chain saws.

In individuals with long – standing disease the skin of the fingers or toes may become smooth, shiny and tight. Small painful area of gangrene and ulcers may appear on the tips of the fingers or toes.

  • Mild cases may be control by protecting the body and the extremities from the cold.
  • Because nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, you must stop smoking.
  • Avoid drugs, caffeine as it constricts blood vessels.
  • If the disease is complicated by diabetes, care should be taken to inspect the feet regularly for lesion and the diabetes should be managed.
  • Avoid tight- fitting clothing that can constrict blood flow.
  • You can force blood into the fingers. Twirl your arms in a windmill motion for several minutes; it forces the blood by centrifugal force to the fingers.
  • Increase your intake of iron- rich foods such as poultry, fish, lentils and leafy green vegetables.
  • Manage stress.
  • Inspect feet regularly to avoid developing any sores or rubbed spots from shoes. If any develop, pad with moleskin.




"Rape is not just a women's issue. It's about men who stop behaving like human beings & start behaving like ANIMALS"

 No one expects to be raped but you can avoid being an easy target if you do some planning. When asked how he chose his victim’s one rapist replied, “A predator always looks for the weakest creature at the back of the herd.” You don’t want to be that creature.

  1. When you move into a new home, change all the existing locks.
  2. Secure windows and patio doors.
  3. Pull the curtains after dark so you are not visible from the street.
  4. Do not open the door to anyone you do not know.
  5. Do not enter a lift if there is only one other person in it.
  6. Avoid dark alleys; do not walk close to doorways.
  7. Keep your car well maintained and don’t let the petrol tank get too low.
  8. Don’t give strangers a ride.
  9. If you feel you are being followed, don’t go home. Go to a police station or a public building.
  10. Do not invite casual friends to your home: meet them in a public place several tomes first, while you get information about them.




People look at those scaly places on your elbows and shrink away from you, afraid that you have some terrible communicable disease. You certainly don’t want to go swimming and see people leave the pool the minute you enter.

Your skin cells have gone crazy – you have psoriasis. Normally skin cells mature and shed after about a month. In psoriasis, this process speed up, talking only three to four days. The cause is unknown but a family history of the disease is common. Because the lower layer of skin cells divides more rapidly than the normal, dead cells accumulate in thicker patches on the skin’s outermost layer.

  • For mild psoriasis, a daily bath can help soak off scales. Because dry skin can worsen psoriasis, a daily bath can help soak off scales. Because dry skin can worsen psoriasis, don’t use hot water or harsh soap.
  • Choose an emollient cream that keeps your skin moist. Avoid products containing lanolin which may increase sensitive.
  • Scalp psoriasis often responds to dandruff shampoos. Work up lather and leave on your head for at least five minutes.
  • Phototherapy – even exposing your skin to moderate sunlight may improve some patches, but sunburn may make psoriasis worse. If you have small patches, try a UVB sunlamp.
  • A cold bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar in it will decrease the itching.
  • A bag of ice- cubes held against the skin will also temporarily decrease itching.
  • Avoid fats, dairy products, red meat, sugar, white flour and citrus fruits.
  • Linseed oil capsules of unsaturated fatty acid appear to help in some cases.
  • Relaxation techniques aimed at reducing stress are beneficial in reducing the incidence of attacks.