Thursday, May 15, 2014

Brain Detoxification

Brain Detoxification top food

Brain Detoxification top food

Apples & Juice

The effects of oxidative stress from the host of dangerous chemicals our brains come in contact with over time is often what contributes to degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. In studies, researchers were able to link a potent anxioxidant found in apples called quercetin to a decrease in congnitive function in aging brains.


Good for coffee-lovers, that morning cup of joe may be the answer to improving your memory. Coffee beans are loaded with antioxidants, which not only give you a bit of an energy boost, but may also ward off long-term cognitive decline.



This sweet spice with somewhat of a spicy kick to it may be beneficial for more than adding some flavor to your apple pie recipe. Cinnamon is high in two important brain boosting compounds called proanthocyanidins and cinnamaldehyde. These antioxidant compounds protect your brain at the cellular level, helping prolong cognitive function through the decades.


Curry Powder
Curry Powder

Curry powder is an ingredient that you’ll find not only appetizing but also beneficial to your brain. Two of the main components of curry powder are ginger and turmeric. Both of these spices contain potent antioxidants that play a key role in reducing inflammation that can lead to the development of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. 


Red Wine
Red Wine

Red wine can be an excellent addition to a brain-healthy diet. The skin of grapes used to make red wine contains a powerful polyphenol compound known as resveratrol. This potent antioxidant plays a role in many metabolic functions and helps protect the brain from oxidative damage. 

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